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person on a dirt bike

Work/Life Balance

Clients are first. Always. We do what it takes to get the job done. But, when the job is done, we celebrate. Talk to anyone here and you will find out that we take fun as serious as work. With a pool table, ping pong and bubble hockey there is always a championship to win and laughs to be had. Our team works a 9/9 shift and takes every other Friday off — giving each of us more time to pursue our passions and hobbies.


Location, Location Location

We aren’t realtors, but we support the phrase. Location IS everything, and that’s why Firetoss headquarters is smack dab in the middle of Downtown Salt Lake City. Right below the mountains and minutes from the best restaurants and bars in town. We love the diversity of vibrant art scene downtown has to offer. We want to be stewards of the creative culture and learn from the community around us.